Howells Rest

Hi, still figuring things out but i'll look into this pretty soon.

not quite sure what this will be but i do intend to post any art i make and maybe even a blog/journal? i dunno but this place seems cool.

if you wanna find my artwork while i'm building this then you can click the twitter link below



so i've added a blog and projects page which should hopefully work fine. i will admit that there's nothing in there for now as i don't really know how to blog so i'm just gonna look at some examples to get a more clear idea but a blog does sound pretty fun. untill i get my current project into atleast a prototype, i can't really write anything about it but i will as soon as i can


hey i figured out how to add dates to my website! also i figured out how to create links and make a menu!

oh dang i got a lil box, aint that neat?... no ok just me fine screw you... i'll enjoy it all by myself